Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Gay Outlaw Lecture

Add your comments here about the Gay Outlaw lecture.


Susan Megorden said...

It was very interesting to get a chance to see the process of her development as an artist. Starting with her food work and ending up with the latest direction of these perforated sculptures.It just goes to show that the mind is a wonderful tool, we never know where it will take us. I did like one of her comments in which she said, "it's (art) more of a gift when it's a surprise".

I can't resist the opportunity to also give my praise for Ben's work! The extra effort and attention to detail were inspiring. It seems that there are enough nuggets/directions that can be pursued for at least three separate shows. Outstanding job!

A Wu said...

Gay Outlaw was cool. I liked her lecture and her comments about the work she saw. It was good to hear an outside SJSU point of view.

I also liked Ben's show. It suddenly reminded me of going over to my friend's house when I was a kid and seeing pretty big Buddha statues with incense and paper money by the TV and fireplace. Having been raised in a semi-Christian environment, seeing Buddha statues with westernized stuff was a weird juxtaposition. So I sort of related to what Ben said in his artist's statement about altar space. Walking into the gallery was sort of like walking into the living room of someone in the U.S. who happened to believe in a Southern belle Shiva goddess.

Not to challenge the consensus, though. I see the point of separating out the elements into distinct shows.

Andrew Hedges said...

It is great to have speakers come in. by the way, this thursday at the foundry, the artist liz craft is doing a presentation.

Iamaconduit said...

It was interesting meeting with Gay... She seems to approach things from a very design oriented/formal angle. I don't have a problem with this and am a big fan of design myself but she seemed to have a hard time grasping that it was possible for an artist to INVENT their own set of symbols. I mean auto-cad is great and everything but...